More Than Just a Logo
There's the easy way to do things and there's the right way. Marketers live in a deadline driven world with accountability to both internal and external customers. When a national brand hands you a pre-package logo to roll out locally, one person may see it as a task while another may see it as a platform to take the program
to the next level.
Aloha United Way
Situation Overview
United Way Worldwide developed a more contemporary logo for its national 211 program and asked local chapters to adopt and rebrand its collateral with provided templates.
The new logo rollout was an opportune time to generate awareness and rejuvenate the 211 program through a 3-month comprehensive marketing campaign to include
New collateral
National templates did not resonate for local market
Shifted focus of collateral to the beneficiaries of the program rather than the staff providing the service
PR push for radio and TV using new logo as hook for relevance and timeliness
Tiered sales blitz to non-profit partners referring clients to the program
Social media campaign to generate awareness and trial for community members in need